mandlm mandlm
  • Recently moved from

  • Joined on 2022-06-10
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mandlm pushed to main at mandlm/nixos-config

2024-01-11 16:08:36 +00:00

mandlm pushed to main at mandlm/nixos-config

2024-01-11 15:53:51 +00:00

mandlm deleted branch wayland from mandlm/nixos-config

2024-01-11 07:12:30 +00:00

mandlm pushed to main at mandlm/nixos-config

2024-01-11 07:12:18 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

  • af9a0ec6d0 feat(nvim): replace discontinued rust-tools.nvim with rustaceanvim

2024-01-09 08:11:49 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

2024-01-09 07:29:01 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

2023-12-29 15:06:48 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

2023-12-19 09:05:03 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

2023-12-12 07:39:04 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

2023-12-11 19:05:20 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

2023-11-30 14:11:28 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

2023-11-27 09:37:54 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

2023-11-20 06:55:23 +00:00

mandlm pushed to main at mandlm/modern_cpp_tutorial

2023-11-19 14:00:58 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

2023-11-14 07:19:37 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

  • ae5a3ffc15 feat: allow yubikey otp authentication

2023-11-05 17:25:39 +00:00

mandlm pushed to wayland at mandlm/nixos-config

2023-11-05 14:05:04 +00:00

mandlm pushed to main at mandlm/modern_cpp_tutorial

  • 9dbfc54b76 refactor: move setup of chapter 2 tests out of main

2023-11-05 11:21:07 +00:00

mandlm pushed to main at mandlm/modern_cpp_tutorial

2023-11-05 11:06:36 +00:00

mandlm pushed to main at mandlm/modern_cpp_tutorial

2023-11-05 10:55:01 +00:00