feat: impure flake setup

mandlm 2022-06-17 17:00:08 +02:00
parent d90a77a5dc
commit 31cdee898a
3 changed files with 72 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page
# and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running nixos-help).
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, ... }:
imports =
[ # Include the results of the hardware scan.
@ -105,10 +104,5 @@
# Before changing this value read the documentation for this option
# (e.g. man configuration.nix or on https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html).
system.stateVersion = "22.05"; # Did you read the comment?
nix = {
package = pkgs.nixFlakes;
extraOptions = "experimental-features = nix-command flakes";

flake.lock Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
"nodes": {
"home-manager": {
"inputs": {
"nixpkgs": [
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1654113405,
"narHash": "sha256-VpK+0QaWG2JRgB00lw77N9TjkE3ec0iMYIX1TzGpxa4=",
"owner": "nix-community",
"repo": "home-manager",
"rev": "ac2287df5a2d6f0a44bbcbd11701dbbf6ec43675",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "nix-community",
"ref": "release-22.05",
"repo": "home-manager",
"type": "github"
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1655470064,
"narHash": "sha256-sELkMX4YGAoH78ci1mCBpW0ZSjqEMVzs9kSQz4gRAJs=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "f919a40e544da31a3b4b42e87cf30a5078c2b09c",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "NixOS",
"ref": "release-22.05",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
"root": {
"inputs": {
"home-manager": "home-manager",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs"
"root": "root",
"version": 7

flake.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs/release-22.05;
home-manager = {
url = github:nix-community/home-manager/release-22.05;
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = inputs @ { self, nixpkgs, home-manager, ... }:
user = "mandlm";
nixosConfigurations.nixos-vm = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
specialArgs = inputs;
modules = [ ./configuration.nix ];