{ ... }: { programs.zsh.initExtra = '' if [ -f $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh ]; then source $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh fi function sc-log { ssh smartcan "SYSTEMD_COLORS=true journalctl --follow --no-tail --unit smartcan-''${1:-*}" } function sc-restart { ssh smartcan "systemctl restart smartcan-''${1}" } function fu-build { local fzf_preview='bat --color always --style plain {}' kas_file=$(find kas -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*image*.yml" \ | fzf --select-1 --exit-0 --header "Select a image file" --preview ''${fzf_preview}) if [ -z ''${kas_file} ]; then echo "no file selected" return 1 fi ./kas-container build ''${kas_file} } function fu-build-dev { local fzf_preview='bat --color always --style plain {}' local kas_file=kas/kas-ttc-image-horsch-dev.yml if [ ! -f ''${kas_file} ]; then kas_file=$(find kas -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*image*.yml" \ | fzf --select-1 --exit-0 --header "Select a image file" --preview ''${fzf_preview}) fi if [ -z ''${kas_file} ]; then echo "no file selected" return 1 fi ./kas-container build ''${kas_file} } function fu-reboot { ssh fusion "reboot" } function fu-swu { local ssh_login="fusion" local update_file=''${1} if [ -z ''${update_file} ]; then update_file=$(find build/tmp/deploy/images -name "*.swu" -type f | fzf --select-1) fi if [ -z ''${update_file} ]; then echo "no file selected" return 1 fi if [ ! -f ''${update_file} ]; then echo "file \"''${update_file}\" does not exist" return 2 fi echo "flashing ''${update_file} to device..." cat "''${update_file}" | ssh ''${ssh_login} "swupdate-client -" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "update failed" return 3 fi echo "rebooting device" ssh ''${ssh_login} reboot echo "done." } function fu-wic { local fzf_preview='stat --printf "%n\nSize: %s bytes\nModified: %y" {}' uuu.exe -lsusb | grep --silent MX8QM if [ ''$? -eq 0 ]; then echo "fusion found" else echo "fusion not connected" return 1 fi local bootloader_file=''${1} local wic_file=''${2} if [ -z ''${bootloader_file} ]; then bootloader_file=$(find build/tmp/deploy/images -name "imx-boot-horsch-fusion-sd*" -type f \ | fzf --select-1 --exit-0 --header "Select a bootloader file" --preview=''${fzf_preview} --preview-window=top) fi if [ -z ''${bootloader_file} ]; then echo "no bootloader file selected" return 1 fi if [ -z ''${wic_file} ]; then wic_file=$(find build/tmp/deploy/images -name "*.wic" -type f \ | fzf --select-1 --exit-0 --header="Select a wic image file" --preview=''${fzf_preview} --preview-window=top) fi if [ -z ''${wic_file} ]; then echo "no wic file selected" return 1 fi echo "flashing ''${wic_file} to device..." uuu.exe -v -b emmc_all ''${bootloader_file} ''${wic_file} echo "done." } function hb-configs { curl --silent \ --location "https://hawkbit-smartcan.horsch.com/rest/v1/softwaremodules" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "Authorization: Basic ''$hawkbitToken" \ --data "q=type==configfs-smartcan" \ --data "sort=id:DESC" \ --get \ | jq | bat } ''; }