#!/usr/bin/python import glob import os import subprocess import ConfigParser import RPi.GPIO as GPIO yellowLed = 15 redLed = 17 greenLed = 18 mopidyConf = '/etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf' userDir = '/etc/mopidy/conf.user/' def setLeds(yellow, red, green): GPIO.output(yellowLed, yellow) GPIO.output(redLed, red) GPIO.output(greenLed, green) def getConfiguredLedColor(): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(mopidyConf) return config.get('moped-switcher', 'led') def setConfiguredLedColor(): ledColor = getConfiguredLedColor() if ledColor == 'yellow': setLeds(1, 0, 0) elif ledColor == 'red': setLeds(0, 1, 0) elif ledColor == 'green': setLeds(0, 0, 1) def stopMopidy(): command = ['service', 'mopidy', 'stop'] subprocess.call(command, shell=False) def startMopidy(): command = ['service', 'mopidy', 'start'] subprocess.call(command, shell=False) def getConfigs(): return sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(userDir, '*.conf'))) def getCurrentConfig(): if os.path.islink(mopidyConf): return os.path.realpath(mopidyConf) else: return None def getNextConfig(): currentConfig = getCurrentConfig() availableConfigs = getConfigs() currentIndex = availableConfigs.index(currentConfig) nextIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % len(availableConfigs) return availableConfigs[nextIndex] def setConfig(newConfig): if os.path.islink(mopidyConf) and os.path.isfile(newConfig): os.unlink(mopidyConf) os.symlink(newConfig, mopidyConf) def switchConfig(): setConfig(getNextConfig()) def buttonHandler(channel): print 'Switching to ' + getNextConfig() try: setLeds(0, 0, 0) stopMopidy() switchConfig() startMopidy() setConfiguredLedColor() except OSError as e: print 'Error: ' + e.strerror if __name__ == '__main__': buttonPin = 4 dummyPin = 15 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(yellowLed, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(redLed, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(greenLed, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(buttonPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(dummyPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.add_event_detect(buttonPin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=buttonHandler, bouncetime=1000) try: while True: GPIO.wait_for_edge(dummyPin, GPIO.RISING) finally: GPIO.cleanup()