#include "Layer.h" Layer::Layer(size_t numNeurons) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numNeurons; ++i) { push_back(Neuron()); } } void Layer::setOutputValues(const std::vector & outputValues) { if (size() - 1 != outputValues.size()) { throw std::exception("The number of output values has to match the layer size"); } auto neuronIt = begin(); for (const double &value : outputValues) { (neuronIt++)->setOutputValue(value); } } void Layer::feedForward(const Layer &inputLayer) { int neuronNumber = 0; for (auto neuronIt = begin(); neuronIt != end(); ++neuronIt) { neuronIt->feedForward(inputLayer.getWeightedSum(neuronNumber++)); } } double Layer::getWeightedSum(int outputNeuron) const { double sum = 0.0; for (const Neuron &neuron : *this) { sum += neuron.getWeightedOutputValue(outputNeuron); } return sum; } void Layer::connectTo(const Layer & nextLayer) { for (Neuron &neuron : *this) { neuron.createRandomOutputWeights(nextLayer.size()); } } void Layer::updateInputWeights(Layer & prevLayer) { static const double trainingRate = 0.5; for (size_t currentLayerIndex = 0; currentLayerIndex < sizeWithoutBiasNeuron(); ++currentLayerIndex) { Neuron &targetNeuron = at(currentLayerIndex); for (size_t prevLayerIndex = 0; prevLayerIndex < prevLayer.size(); ++prevLayerIndex) { Neuron &sourceNeuron = prevLayer.at(prevLayerIndex); sourceNeuron.setOutputWeight(currentLayerIndex, sourceNeuron.getOutputWeight(currentLayerIndex) + sourceNeuron.getOutputValue() * targetNeuron.getGradient() * trainingRate); } } } void Layer::addBiasNeuron() { push_back(Neuron(1.0)); hasBiasNeuron = true; } size_t Layer::sizeWithoutBiasNeuron() const { if (hasBiasNeuron) { return size() - 1; } else { return size(); } }